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Friday, 3 January 2014


Note: The name Zlatopolski in Kremenchug.

The unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia
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Government of Little Russia, which came under Russian domination in 1764, and whose present organization was established in 1802. It has a Jewish population of 111,417, the total population being 2,780,427 (census of 1897). See table at end of article.
Capital of the above-named government. It had a small Jewish community, almost entirely Ḥasidic, before Jews from Lithuania, Poland, and other parts of Russia began to arrive there in larger numbers after the great "Ilyinskaya" fair had been transferred to that city from Romny in 1852. A Sabbath- and Sunday-school for Jewish apprentices was established there in 1861 ("Ha-Karmel," Russian Supplement, 1861, Nos. 46-47). Aaron Zeitlin then held the position of "learned Jew" under the governor of Poltava.
The anti-Ḥasidim, or Mitnaggedim, soon increased in numbers, and erected a synagogue for themselves about 1870. In 1863 Aryeh Löb Seidener (b. 1838; d. in Poltava Feb. 24, 1886) became the government rabbi, and during the twenty-three years in which he held the position he was instrumental in establishing various educational and benevolent institutions and in infusing the modern spirit into the community. He was assisted in his efforts by the teachers Michael Zerikower, Eliezer Ḥayyim Rosenberg, Abraham Nathansohn, and other progressive men. In 1890 Aaron Gleizer, son-in-law of Lazar Zweifel, was chosen to succeed Seidener. Eliezer Akibah Rabinovich (b. Shilel, government of Kovno, May 13, 1862), whose project of holding a rabbinical conference in Grodno in 1903 aroused intense opposition, has been rabbi of Poltava since 1893. One of the assistant rabbis, Jacob Mordecai Bezpalov, founded a yeshibah there. Poltava has a Talmud Torah for boys (250 pupils), with a trade-school connected with it, and a corresponding institution for girls. It has a Jewish home for the aged (16 inmates in 1897), a Hebrew literary society, and several charitable and Zionist organizations. The most prominent among the Maskilim or progressive Hebrew scholars who have resided in Poltava was Ezekiel b. Joseph Mandelstamm (born in Zhagory, government of Kovno, in 1812; died in Poltava April 13, 1891), author of the Biblical onomasticon "Oẓar ha-Shemot" (Warsaw, 1889), with a "Sefer ha-Millu'im," or supplement, which was printed posthumously in 1894. He was the father of Dr. Max Mandelstamm of Kiev. Michel Gordon's well-known Yiddish song beginning "Ihr seit doch, Reb Yud, in Poltava gewen" is a humorous allusion to the moral pitfalls in the way of pious Jews of the older Polish communities who settled in the liberal-minded Poltava. The writer Alexander Süsskind Rabinovich, A. M. Boruchov (contributor to "Ha-Shiloaḥ"), and Benzion Mirkin (journalist) are residents of Poltava. Among the prominent Jews of Poltava in early times were the families of Zelenski, Portugalov, and Warshavski. The city has a total population of 53,060, of whom 7,600 are Jews.
City in the government of Poltava, on the left bank of the Dnieper. It now (1905) includes the suburb of Kryukov on the opposite bank, and has the largest Jewish community in the government, 35,179—or about 60 percent of the total population of the city (1897). It was the first of the important cities of southwestern Russia to which Jews from Lithuania and Poland began to flock about the middle of the nineteenth century. Even in the calamitous years 1881-82, when anti-Jewish riots occurred in the government of Poltava, numerous Jews from other places went to Krementchug, where the local Jewish community raised for them a relief fund of about 40,000 rubles.
Description: at Poltava, Russia.(From a photograph.)
R. Isaac of Krementchug, who died there Dec., 1833, was among the earliest Ḥasidim of that city. Next in importance was Abraham Fradkin (to whom Jacob Lapin addressed a letter which appears in his "Ḳeset ha-Sofer," pp. 11-12, Berlin, 1857). Other prominent men in the Jewish communitywere: Lipavski, Zlatopolski, Michael Ladyzhenski, Sergei (Shmere) Rosenthal, David Sack (son of Ḥayyim Sack of Zhagory), and Solomon, Marcus, and Vasili Rosenthal.
Among those who went to Krementchug in 1864 was Herman Rosenthal, who established a printing-office there in 1869, and organized a circle of Maskilim, among whom were Eliezer Schulmann, J. S. Olschwang, L. and M. Jakobovich, and M. Silberberg (see Zederbaum, "Massa Ereẓ," in "Ha-Meliẓ," 1869, No. 1). Rosenthal published the first work of M. Morgulis on the Jewish question, "Sobraniye Statei" (1869), the first almanac of Krementchug, and many other works. He was for eight years a member of the city council (1870-78), and it was owing to his efforts that the Realnoye Uchilishche (Realgymnasium) was built in 1872. The best-known rabbi of Krementchug was Joseph b. Elijah Tumarkin, who died there in 1875. After his death the Mitnaggedim elected Meïr Löb Malbim as rabbi, but he died while on his way to assume the position (Sept., 1879), and the candidate of the Ḥasidim of Lubavich, Hirsch Tumarkin, the brother and son-in-law of Meïr's predecessor, was elected to the position. The government rabbis were Freidus (1865), Mochan (1867-71), a son-in-law of Seidener of Melitopol, Ch. Berliner, and Freidenberg (who was reelected in 1899). The present (1905) rabbi is Isaac Joel Raphalovich.
Krementchug has numerous synagogues and the usual educational and charitable institutions, including a Talmud Torah, with a trade-school in connection with it, founded by Mendel Seligman; a hospital, with a home for aged persons ("Ha-Meliẓ," 1890, No. 139); the society Maskil el Dal (founded 1898); and several Zionist organizations. It is the most important business and industrial center in the government.
About a dozen other cities and towns in the government of Poltava contain Jewish communities, those of Pereyaslavl and Romny being among the largest.
  • Keneset Yisrael, i. 1124;
  • Ha-Meliẓ, 1883, No. 96;
  • 1890, No. 7;
  • Ha-Shaḥar, vi. 215-218, ix. 183 et seq.;
  • Eisenstadt-Wiener, Da'at Ḳedoshim, p. 26, St. Petersburg, 1897-98;
  • Ha-Ẓefirah, 1897, No. 14.
Population of Poltava Government in 1897.
Total Population.
Jewish Population.


Total in government

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

My mother
Sara Fryher ( nee Rapoport ), age 23
Born in Kremenchug, Ukraine


Photo taken in Tel Aviv.
Also kept by Gedalia Rapoport in Russia.

The following are the only photographs I have of,

Raisa ( Risha ) Rapoport ( nee Nachatovich )

On the verandah in Jablonna, Poland


At the wedding of Pessach Rapoport and Sara (?).
1938 ?

The Great Synagogue in Warsaw.

Raisa, 3rd. from right

Isaak, Pessach and Sara, Raisa


Gedalia, Sara and Pessach, Raisa, Isaak

In Legionowo


With Isaak in Warsaw


My Hypothesis :

With the death of both his parents, Leizer Rapoport ( Sara's father ), in about 1900-1905, decided to leave Kovno Lithuania and travel to Kremenchug in the Ukraine.
Leizer's sister travelled to Riga Latvia and married an Abramovich.(*)
Some brothers went to Warsaw Poland.

The reasons for Leizer leaving were ( maybe ) :-
- Some family members were already there
- There was already some correspondence with Raisa
- Economic persecution in Kovno

Leizer married Raisa in about 1905-1910 in the Kremenchug area.
- There is no documentation of their marriage in Kovno
- Nachatovich is a name "found" in the Poltavia Gubernia ( of which Kremenchug is a city )
- Raisa's sister married a Zlotopolski in Kremenchug(*)
 ( Zlotopolski is a name "found" in that area )

In approximately 1910 Izaak Rapoport is born
In approximately 1916 Sara and Pessach ( the twins ) were born

Because of civil war and pogroms the family left for Warsaw in about 1918-1920.
Leizer's brothers/cousins set up their businesses there already.
Gedalia was born in Warsaw about 1919-1920.


The only face to face talk I had with my mother about her family.
She even wrote down a "Zlotopolsky" and I managed to scribble down some relationships.

There were definitely Zlotopolskys in Kremenchug.

There was a Doba Rapoport married to a Hirsh Abramowitch in Riga.

Jewish Marriages in Riga, 1854-1921


GroomBrideYear of

But a Doba , not a Mira.

On a map.

The travelling Rapoports.

The Address in Jablonna, Poland, as discovered on an envelope.

About Villa Gallowej.

The Rapoport either owned or rented this villa. They spent most of their time there.
They also owned an apartment at Mylna 5 in Warsaw.
They were well off. Eliezer Rapoport was in the jewellery business.

From Sara's address book.
Note that her future husband was a neighbour of hers. Her future father-in-law was Rabbi Yosef Fryher who "ran" a small synagogue at Mylna 1.


Kremenchuk, Ukraine

Alternate names: Kremenchuk [Ukr], Kremenchug [Rus], Krementchug [Yid], Krementschuk [Ger], Kremeńczug [Pol], Krzemieńczuk, Krementschug, Krimentshuk

Region: Poltava

Town District Province Country
Before WWI (c. 1900):   Kremenchug Kremenchug Poltava Russian Empire
Between the wars (c. 1930):   Kremenchug Poltava Ukraine SSR Soviet Union
After WWII (c. 1950):   Kremenchug Soviet Union
Today (c. 2000):   Kremenchuk Ukraine
Jewish Population in 1900: 29,768 (in 1897)
Notes: Ukrainian: Кременчук. Russian: Кременчуг. Yiddish: קרימענטשוק
In central Ukraine, on the Dnieper. 65 miles NE of Kirovohrad (Elizavetgrad), 63 miles SW of Poltava.
Kremenchuk, Ukraine: 49°04' N, 33°25' E MapQuest     Google Map
JewishGen Resource Map
Nearby Jewish Communities:

From the "Jewish Virtual Library"--


KREMENCHUG, Poltava district, in Ukraine. The earliest information on Jewish settlement in Kremenchug dates from 1782; 454 Jews were registered as poll-tax payers in the district of Kremenchug in 1801. In accordance with the policy "of directing the Jews toward productive professions," the Russian government opened a weaving mill in the city in 1809, designed to teach this craft to Jews who lacked a profession. The number of Jews employed in the mill in 1810, together with the members of their families, amounted to 232. After this date the Jews began to leave the mill because of the difficult conditions there, and in 1817 it closed down. Later in the 19th century, the Jewish population increased rapidly, as a result of emigration from the northwestern provinces of Russia to the southeastern ones. In 1847 there were 3,475 Jews registered in the community of Kremenchug, while by 1897 there was a large Jewish population of 29,869 persons (47% of the total population). The Jews played a most important role in the economic development of the town, especially in the grain and timber trades and the manufacture of tobacco. They owned ten sawmills and several tobacco factories. Early in the 19th century a Jewish hospital was opened, and in 1844 a Chabad yeshivah was established. By the end of the century, there were two talmudei torah, one with carpentry and metalworking classes, and Jewish private schools for boys and girls. During World War I, the yeshivot of *Lubavich and *Slobodka (from Kovno) were transferred to Kremenchug. Pogroms were staged in October 1905, in April 1918 by armed bands of Grigoryev, and in August 1919 by the soldiers of the "Volunteer Army" of General *Denikin. In the 1920s the Jews made up 50% of the workers in the factories, and about 75% in tobacco production, shoes, and carpentry. In the 1930s there were two Jewish schools and an electro-mechanical college. In 1926 there were 28,969 Jews (49.2% of the total) living in the town.

In February, 1939, Sara emigrated to Israel.

Raisa wrote to her in YIDDISH , the common language of the Jews of the Pale of Settlement.
In  April, 1940, the final letter Sara received, Raisa wrote in Russian. Was that knowledge from her Ukrainian background?

 The translation:

My dear Sara and Noach.......and lovely granddaughter.
I am anxiously awaiting a letter from you as we still do not know the name of your daughter. Please write what are your news and how are you feeling. Dad and I are well. Our only wish is to receive a letter from you.
Stay well, we are wishing you all the best.
Mum, Rysha.